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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a harmful practice that affects millions of women and girls globally. In the UK alone, it is estimated that more than 137,000 women and girls have been affected by FGM. FGM is a form of violence against women and girls and it is illegal in the UK. However, it is still prevalent in some communities, and therefore it is important that all educational staff are trained to recognize the signs of FGM and understand their responsibilities in safeguarding children.

FGM training is crucial for all educational staff, including teachers, teaching assistants, and school leaders. Here are some reasons why:

To Recognize the Signs of FGM

Educational staff need to be trained to recognize the signs of FGM in order to safeguard children. FGM is a complex issue and can be difficult to identify. FGM training can help educational staff to identify the physical and emotional signs of FGM and understand the different types of FGM.

To Understand the Law

FGM is illegal in the UK, and educational staff have a legal responsibility to report cases of FGM. FGM training can help educational staff to understand their legal responsibilities and the consequences of not reporting FGM.

To Support Victims of FGM

Educational staff have a duty of care to support victims of FGM. FGM training can help educational staff to understand the emotional and physical impact of FGM on victims and provide appropriate support to victims.

To Raise Awareness

FGM training can help educational staff to raise awareness of FGM among parents, pupils, and the wider community. This can help to break down cultural barriers and challenge the myths and misconceptions that surround FGM.

To Work in Partnership

FGM training can help educational staff to work in partnership with other agencies, such as social services, healthcare professionals, and the police, to safeguard children and support victims of FGM.

In conclusion, FGM training is crucial for all educational staff in the UK. It can help to safeguard children, recognise the signs of FGM, understand the law, support victims, raise awareness, and work in partnership with other agencies. By working together, we can help to end FGM and protect the rights of women and girls.


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