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Welcome to our blog about spotting mental health issues in the classroom. Educators have a uque opportunity to support the mental health and wellbeing of their students. Mental health issues in the classroom can have a significant impact on a student’s ability to learn, so it’s important that they are able to recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health issues so that they can provide the necessary support.


Here are some signs and symptoms of mental health issues to look out for in the classroom:

  1. Changes in behaviour

One of the most common signs of mental health issues in the classroom is changes in behaviour. This can include things like becoming more withdrawn or isolating themselves from their peers, sudden mood swings, and changes in participation and engagement in class.

2. Poor academic performance

Mental health issues can have a significant impact on a student’s ability to learn and perform academically. Poor academic performance, such as a decline in grades, missed assignments or a lack of participation in class, can be a sign that a student is struggling with their mental health.

3. Physical symptoms

Physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomach aches, and fatigue, can also be a sign of mental health issues. These symptoms are often caused by stress and anxiety, which can have a significant impact on a student’s physical health.

  1. Disruptive behaviour

Students who are struggling with their mental health may also display disruptive behaviour in the classroom. This could include being overly talkative or argumentative, displaying aggressive behaviour or being uncooperative with peers or teachers.

It’s important to remember that mental health issues can manifest differently in each individual student, so it’s important to keep an eye out for any changes in behaviour or patterns that may indicate a problem.

If you are concerned about a student’s mental health, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. This could involve speaking to the student’s parents, referring them to a school counsellor or mental health professional, or seeking advice from your school’s pastoral care team.

By being aware of the signs and symptoms of mental health issues in the classroom, we can help to support the mental health and wellbeing of our students and create a positive and inclusive learning environment. Remember, supporting the mental health of our students is just as important as supporting their academic achievement.


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